Simulation & Analysis Services in Saudi Arabia
Conserve offers its specialized Simulation & Analysis services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Simulation & Analysis is based on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) concepts & methodologies carried out to foresee the behavior of Building/Industrial systems. Outcomes from these analyses are widely used to understand load/stress distribution across piping networks and designing suitable support structures to avoid potential future failures. Conserve offers wide range of FEA analysis services includes,
Stress Analysis
Surge Analysis
Seismic Analysis
Vibration Analysis
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis
Pulsation Analysis
Hydraulic, Pump Head Calculations
Finite Element Analysis
Pressure Vessel Analysis
Thermal Analysis
Flow Assurance Analysis
Cooling Tower and Chiller Yard Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Slug Analysis for Oil & Gas
Mixture and Agitator Design Analysis
Support Design and Analysis
Codes and Standards
ASME B31.3: Process piping Code
ASME B31.1: Power Piping Code
Centrifugal Pumps: API 610
Positive Displacement Pumps: API 676
Centrifugal Compressors: API 617
Reciprocating Compressors: API 618
Steam Turbines: NEMA SM23/ API 612
Air Cooled Heat Exchanger: API 661
Fired Heaters: API 560
Flat Bottom Welded Storage Tanks: API 650
Heat Exchangers: TEMA/ Vendor-Specific.
Vessel/Column: Vendor-Specific/ ASME Sec VIII
ASME B 31.4/ASME B 31.8: Pipeline Stress Analysis
ISO 14692: GRE/GRP/FRP Piping Stress Analysis
Chilled Water Network
Condenser Water Network
Low Temperature Hot Water Network
Fire Fighting Network
Potable Water Network
Storm Water Network
Wastewater Network
Boiler Network
Oil & Gas Networks
Underground Infrastructure Network
Stress Analysis
Key objective of performing stress analysis is to ensure structural & operational integrity of the piping system, which derives outcomes such as critical spots in the network and proposed support design to ensure adequate flexibility. Based on the project requirements, we shall carry out,
Static Stress Analysis (Considering Sustained, Hydro-test, Thermal Expansion Conditions)
Dynamic Stress Analysis (Considering Seismic, Vibration, Water Hammer and Slug Conditions)

Support Design
Based on outcomes from above explained Stress Analysis, Conserve’s structural team shall design proposed support system ensuring efficient support distribution for the network. Some of the major support configurations as follows,
Rest Support: Restrict downward movements.
Guide Support: Arrest lateral movements.
Line Stop or Axial Stop: Restrict axial or longitudinal movement of the pipe.
Anchor Support: Completely fixed. Restrict all six degrees of freedom. Pipe at this support point can’t translate or rotate.
Variable Spring Hanger Support: Flexible support, Act as Resting support with flexibility to thermal movements.
Constant Spring Hanger: Flexible support, Act as Rest support allowing thermal displacements.
Rigid Hanger: Hanging support from the top.
Struts: Dynamic Restraint
Snubbers: Dynamic Restraint
Sway Braces, etc.

Surge Analysis
Surge shall occur in any piping network due to sudden modifications in velocities of flowing fluid, often called as Water/Fluid Hammer or Hydraulic Surge. Surge Analysis is transient carried out under following scenarios,
Pump Start-up Condition.
Pump Trip Condition.
Sudden Valve closure condition.
Conserve shall analyze piping network and propose optimum engineering solutions to avoid/overcome potential surges within the network.